Scientific Name Lycopersicum esculentum
Local Name  Rambhera
Family Solanaceae
State/World wide South America; States: U.P, W.B, Bihar, H.P, T.N, Punjab, Gujrat, Sikkim, Meghalaya, etc.
Common Name of Disease: 1. LATE BLIGHT
Local Name of Disease -  Pilsiney bimar
Causal Organism - Phytopthora infestens
Distribution of Disease in Sikkim

- Late blight is the most serious disease in potato in the hills where the weather condition in comparatively more congenial.

Disease Incidence - Low to medium
Site of Infection

- The pathogen attacks all parts of the plant.

Dissemination of the Disease -


On tomato fruits symptoms appear at any stage of growth and may be most frequent near the stem end. Grey-green water-soaked spots enlarge to indefinite size and shape. On the lower surface of leaf, flour like white zone is seen at the periphery of lesion.On petiole or stem, purple or black lesions appear.

Favourable environmental condition for disease
Phytopthora is a low temperature fungus- cool temperature (5-12 degree centigrade) and muggy weather is most favourable. Pathogen is susceptible to bright sun (>24 degree centigrade).Mode of Transmission: Pathogen is transmitted through planting of infected tubers.

Life cycle of Organism

Life cycle of Organism -

Plant Protection Measures
Grow tolerant variety. Seed treatment with Trichoderama sp and also soil treatment with the same.

Bioinformatics Sub- DISC, SSCS&T